Keeping The Eavestrough Clean And Maintaining It

Water from the rain may cause extensive damage to your home. It explains a lot why the most vital thing to look for in a new home, after ticking the top five must-haves of a home, is the eavestrough. Essentially, it protects your home from water damage in two ways. It harvests the water and stores it in reservoir tanks or drains it away into the main drainage system. Cleaning and maintaining the eaves trough is well worth your efforts as it helps solving the issue of potential home insurance claim. The entire cleaning process may be a dirty one but the perks are promising. It merely entails the following.

What you need to start cleaning


These are simply the things that you are going to need to clean and maintain the eavestrough. First, you need an extendable ladder. Depending on the size of your home, find a ladder that perfectly suits the activity. Safety needs to be on your mind when selecting the ladder. This means the ladder has to get you safely and easily to the eavestrough without scaring the wits out of you. Ladders with standoff stabilizers are ideally good for the activity.

Next, you need cleaning attire that you do not in the least mind getting dirty. The shirt needs to be long-sleeved. Rubber gloves come in handy for getting rid of leaves that have been in the eavestrough for quite some time. Ensure that the gloves are made of heavy-duty rubber for better results.

Thirdly, you need a bucket with you or a tarp below your work area particularly on the ground. As you go about cleaning, debris usually comes off falling. The bucket or tarp is suitable for catching all the falling debris. If you have a garden, you may make use of the collection of leaves and debris as a mulch to fertilize the soil and make your plants flourish.

A perfect eavestrough scoop will do when doing the cleaning. If you do not have one at your home, just check with your local hardware and get it. Alternatively, a plastic shovel mostly used by kids for playing may fit well for the job. As long as they fit deep into the gutter as you clean, you are better off with either of them.

Cleaning the eavestrough

The cleaning part is simple if you have all the items that you require for cleaning. Ensure that with you is a helper to keep the ladder stable as well as passing the items that you will need in the cleaning process. The best point to start is at one end of the eavestrough. This enables you to scoop off the dirt into the bucket and pass it down to your helper once it is full. Systematic movement around the eavestrough is the only thing that will help you get rid of a large amount of debris within a short time. Work from these focal points ensuring you leave no dirt behind.

Some parts are going to require more attention from you. For instance, the downspout is the part that takes the rainwater all the way down to the ground. As such, examine it keenly and get rid of any debris. If there is a blockage, clear it up. Blockages may cause an overflow even in a clean eavestrough and cause water to pour over the side hence damaging your home. As you clean, ensure you leave no debris and leaves behind in the downspout. Keeping it free from these two will let water flow well without causing any damage to the house.

After you are through with cleaning the eavestrough, let your helper pass a hosepipe and turn the water on. Running the water on the eavestrough removes tiny bits of dirt that may remain even after the previous cleaning. Moreover, it is an effective way of detecting any leak that may be there so you can patch it up.

Doing the repair

Once the cleaning activity is over, you need to shift gears to the worn-out parts that need repair. Over the years, the eavestrough tend to wear and develop leaks. When going about the repair, look out for cracked caulking or holes along the seam. If you find any cracks, you will have to fix them by using a good technological way. Bead silicon sealing is a good method for dealing with leaks present in the eavestrough. After identifying the leaking part, prep it and then apply the bead silicon sealing. For the next one year, you problem will be gone.

Depending on the length of time that your eavestrough stayed without cleaning, the task may have been a dirty one but worth the while. The good thing is that you will not have to worry about home damage again until a year is over save for planning a major repair or replacement of eavestrough. You can do the cleaning on a quarterly basis to ensure your eavestrough is clean throughout the year.

Getting To Know The Right Soffit, Fascia and Siding Materials

Soffit and fascia are key elements that play quite a remarkable role in defining the look and function of a home. Soffits refer to the part that covers the under-hangs of the roof and gables. In addition, it keeps all animals that may intrude at bay. For intake ventilation purposes in the attic, it rightly suffices as a handy tool. Fascia mostly made of aluminum plays the crucial role of cladding that is covering bare wood. By so doing, it seals the ends of eaves creating a perfect room for the installation of eavestrough. To make your home look stunningly good, you need to pay attention to such details. When picking soffit and fascia for your home, keep the following in mind at all times.

Material build-up


Look at the material used to complete soffit and fascia and make certain that it is aluminum. Though there is a wide range of colors that mostly enhance the visual appearance of soffit and fascias, the most important thing is to consider the material. Aluminum does not rust and wear easily. This property makes it ideal for soffit and fascias and hence defines how your home looks. You do not want rusts seen all over your roof because of poor choice of material use. Soffit and fascia made and completed by aluminum is just what your home needs. Talking to your manufacturer about the type of soffit and fascia for your home also helps you decide whether you want custom-made soffit and fascia or what the manufacturer has at the time.

Hard access areas

Some parts of the soffit and fascia are hard to access. Mostly, wood soffits and fascias may require risky access or painting. Finding those that give you nothing to worry about concerning these hard-to-access areas is the best thing to do. It will minimize the need to access these parts for any reason such as damages. Good ones does not deteriorate easily particularly at the mentioned parts. Protecting these parts will go a long way to make them last long and minimize risk accessing and painting, which comes with extra cost.

Low maintenance

Ensure that the siding materials are available in a number of forms namely aluminum, vinyl and cement. These three will help a great a deal in the provision of low maintenance. Furthermore, it enhances durability meaning you will not have to worry maintenance costs over the course of time. You can acquire the materials in a wide variety of colors and styles depending on your home theme. Another added advantage is that they are waterproof. Feel free to ask any questions when talking to a contractor or a manufacturer in case you want to know more about specific things within your preferences.


The type of roof determines the kind of temperature you may generally have at home. Ideal soffits and fascias need to be good elements of vapor retarders. They particularly come in handy for exterior insulation. Test the insulation of the soffit and fascia first before grabbing one.

Wraps at the corner and trims

Soffits require a channel wrap at the outside corner where they meet the roof edge head not to mention the inside where a better part of the eaves meets the home edges. Measuring the linear edges of these elements is a vital step, as it will help you in determining the right size of soffits and fascias when you present the measurements to a manufacturer accordingly. Corners help quite a lot with tying installation together particularly at the outermost parts of the soffit (the region where the roof edges meet).

Wraps and trims in custom

It is not necessary for all your soffits and fascias to conform to the manufacturers’ custom design. So long as you have most of the carpentry tools, making something of your own lies under the limits of your personal budget and creative mind. You can use woods and consequently run planks with a new material or a good recycled lumber. Rustic looks comes out when you choose to use metal sheets as your material. In addition, you may consider other options such as painting in patterns or drawings. The drawing mainly applies for the fascia boards for creative look. Optionally, the wooden materials cut and shaped into different styles still make the soffits and fascia look great.

Choosing the right soffit and fascia will give you the much confidence you need when you look at your home at the end of the day especially after the hustle and bustle of making the roof look better. As much as you want the roof to look good, keep in mind that selecting quality soffits and fascias will guarantee you more home safety and less cost. When this comes first, your home’s roof will be one of the great roofs of perfect homes.

4 Quick Fixes That Will Solve Most Of Your Gutter Problems

Gutters can be quite problematic sometimes, especially if the homeowner hasn’t inspected them in the last years. They can clog, they can develop leaks and cracks and they can pose a serious of problems that are quite expensive to repair. Luckily, if you take good care of your gutters from time to time, you can avoid major problems and save a lot of money in the long run. Here are a couple of common fixes to some of the most popular gutter issues you might encounter during your lifetime.

Use gutter sealant to fix leaky gutters

Thanks to bad weather conditions and different types of debris such as small tree branches, pebbles and so on, gutters can develop cracks and leaks with the passing of time. However, you shouldn’t be worried that you need to completely replace your gutters because of this. You can simply buy gutter sealant which can be found at most hardware stores and costs a couple of dollars. This sealant is perfect for covering small holes and cracks in your gutters.

If you have to deal with larger cracks then you might to use a patch in order to fix your gutters. Patching kits can also be found at hardware stores and they are inexpensive. You can use them to make a patch from metal flashing and repair your gutters, so that they don’t leak anymore.

Check the inclination of your gutters

Well-installed gutters tend to be inclined towards the downspouts of your house, so that gravity can attract water down the drain when it accumulates in the gutters. The rule of thumb is to have a slope of about half an inch for each ten or eleven feet of gutter. In order to see if your gutters are properly pitched, make sure that you wait until it rains and then climb on a ladder to see if there is standing water in the gutters. If it is then your gutters do not feature the correct slope.

If you want to pitch the gutters by yourself then you can bend the hanger downwards or upwards, depending on the case, in order to create a small slope. Hopefully this will solve your problem, otherwise you might need to bend a little bit more, so that water drains properly. If you have seamless gutters then make sure that you call the guys who installed the gutters and speak with them about this problem.

Replace hangers or fasteners if gutters sag or pull away from the house


Another common problem homeowners encounter consist of sagging gutters or gutters which tend to pull away from the house. Well, in most cases the culprits for these issues are the hangers or the fasteners which are responsible for securing the gutters to the fascia. For example, the hangers might have been deteriorated with the passing of time or the fasteners might have been pulled out from the house walls. To fix this, all that you have to do is to buy several brand new hangers from a hardware store and a couple of fasteners. These items are very cheap and you can replace them by yourself when you have a free afternoon.

Clean the gutters at least once every year to prevent major problems

Perhaps the most common problem consists of clogged gutters and this can be a serious one. It is highly recommended to clean your gutters at least once every year or maybe twice if you have a lot of trees nearby. Basically, leaves, bird feathers or tree branches can clog your gutters quicker and that’s why you should clean them more often. When it comes to gutter cleaning, you can either outsource this job to a professional company for a fair price or you can do it by yourself.

In order to clean the gutters on your own, you need a stable ladder and a pair of protective gloves as well as protective goggles. In some cases, wasps or even small birds or rats can jump out from the clogged gutters and you need to be protected all the times. After you cleaned your gutters, make sure that you use the garden hose in order to flush everything out and see if water drains properly.

To prevent further clogging, you might want to invest in protective meshes which are placed above the gutters and which prevent leaves, tree branches and other types of debris from accumulating into your gutters and cause blockages in the long run. These products are not that expensive and if you install them, you won’t need to clean your gutters that often.

Hopefully these 4 simple fixes will be useful for you, but if you encounter a serious problem with your gutters, make sure that you give us a call. We have a lot of experience when it comes to installing and repairing gutters, and our services come at reasonable prices!

Here Are 6 Exquisite Exterior Siding Options Available For Your Property!

Adding exterior siding to your property is highly recommended these days as this is the best way to improve the aesthetics of your house, increase its value and insulate it properly, so that in the future you don’t waste a lot of money on your energy bill. Also, the good news is that there are many siding materials available for you to choose from these days. In order to make a fully-informed decision, here are more details about the most popular exterior siding materials you can find on the market.

Vinyl siding

Vinyl is one of the best materials to go for if you don’t have a big budget to spend on home improvements, yet you want a quality product that can pass the test of time. Vinyl siding comes at affordable prices and it is available in many colors, giving you the opportunity to completely transform the exterior design of your house. Additionally, this siding option is very easy to maintain and it can last for a decent amount of time, so it is worth taking it into consideration. Additionally, if you are a DIY type of guy, vinyl siding is perfect for you as you don’t need advanced tools or a lot of time in order to install it on your house.

Brick siding


Genuine brick comes in different sizes and textures these days, but it can be quite expensive to install. However, brick veneer is more affordable and it is perfect for you if you want to give your property a warm and attractive look. Brick veneer can also increase the lifespan of your property if it is installed correctly and it can protect it against bad weather conditions and other damaging agents.

When the professionals install brick veneer, they will also install a waterproof membrane under it in order to prevent water from infiltrating and causing damage to the house. Although installing brick veneer is a little bit time-consuming, it will increase the value of your property and make it look gorgeous.

Stone veneer siding

In a similar fashion, you might want to take into consideration installing stone veneer on the exterior of your property. This material is lightweight and less expensive than genuine stone, so it can be installed quicker, easier and for less money. Also, especially if the stone veneer siding is properly maintained and cleaned on a regular basis, it can last for a lifetime.

Another great advantage of stone veneer siding is that it comes in a variety of styles, colors and textures, giving you the opportunity to raise the curb appeal of your house without paying a fortune for this.

Stucco siding

This siding option is also very popular and commonly encountered in Mediterranean houses. Stucco is usually made from building sand, cement, limestone and water if it is properly installed and maintained from time to time, it can last for decades without problems. Before installing stucco, the professionals will a waterproof membrane and a galvanized-metal screening in order to protect the walls of the house and support the stucco which will be placed above it. Lastly, stucco comes at affordable prices, so it is within every homeowner’s budget reach.

Wood siding

On the other hand, if you are attracted by the warmness and rich texture of wood then you might be happy to know that you can also use this material as exterior siding for your property. Although this siding option is a little bit more expensive, it will give a traditional and welcoming look to your house and it can even last for a hundred years, if it is maintained regularly. When it comes to maintenance, you might have to chalk and paint wood siding in order to prevent weather damage.

Additionally, some manufacturers treat the wood siding in order to be more resistant to pest attacks as well as fires. If you want to sleep better at nights, you are strongly encouraged to go for such quality wood siding in the future.

Fibre-cement siding

The last one in our list is fibre-cement siding, an increasingly popular siding option that comes at a reasonable price these days. This siding option doesn’t require a lot of maintenance and best of all, it is fire-resistant. Therefore, you have the assurance that your house will not be affected if a leaf catches fire by accident in your yard during a hot summer day. Similarly, fibre-cement siding is termite-resistant as well. Needless to say, fibre-cement siding comes in a plethora of designs, textures, colors and finishes and you should take advantage of this in order to give your property that beautiful and attractive look you have always wanted.

Another good siding option would be aluminum siding and if you are interested about its benefits and features, make sure that you give us a call. We have a lot of experience when it comes to exterior siding and we can help you make the best choice.

7 Reasons Why Aluminum Siding Is Gold For Your Property

If you are thinking about insulating and covering the exterior walls of your property, you have many options at your disposal. For example, you can go for vinyl siding, wood siding as well as aluminum siding. These days, more and more homeowners are attracted by aluminum siding and the benefits it brings. If you haven’t installed aluminum siding on your house before, here are 7 great reasons to do it now.

You can get aluminum siding without breaking the bank

As you can probably imagine, different types of siding materials come at various prices and if you don’t have a very big budget at your disposal, you might want to opt for aluminum siding. This siding material is less expensive than other materials available on the market and it can be installed with little to no effort by the professionals. Other siding materials can cost up to 80% more than aluminum siding and they require more time for the installation process to be complete.

You can update your aluminum siding if you want to give your house a fresh look


In a similar fashion, aluminum is a siding material that can be painted if you want to improve the way your house looks or you are tired of a particular color. This is not possible for other types of siding materials. Additionally, you might be happy to know that aluminum siding can be replaced in sections if you want to update the looks of your property and make it more attractive at some point in the future.

Aluminum siding can last for almost a lifetime

One of the biggest advantages of aluminum siding is the simple fact that it can last for at least 40 years, especially if it is properly maintained, at it is very resistant to wear and tear, in comparison with other siding materials which cannot last nearly as much. Additionally, any small damages like corrosion signs or scratches can be fixed with little to no effort by sanding and painting that particular area. Any dents that might be found on your aluminum siding can also be repaired easily and cheaply.

If for some reason you have a particular area of aluminum siding which is badly damaged then you can simply replace the aluminum section as mentioned before. As a result, your property will look gorgeous again and you don’t have to spend a lot of money or waste a lot of time in order to achieve this.

Aluminum siding can be an excellent insulator

You might be happy to know that your energy bill can be drastically reduced if you improve the insulation of your property. Luckily, aluminum siding can protect your house against heat loss because it offers better insulation, in comparison with other siding materials. Therefore, during hot summer days, the coolness in your house will not be lost and you won’t have to use the air conditioning unit that often, saving a lot of money in the long run. Similarly, during freezing winter nights, your aluminum siding will prevent heat from escaping, making the property warmer, safer and more comfortable for you and your family members.

You can install aluminum siding on your own if you love DIY projects

If you have some free time and you like being with a hammer in your hand from time to time then you might be happy to know that aluminum siding can be installed by yourself without much effort. All that you need are a few tools which are not that expensive and can be rented from a local hardware store and a free weekend. However, if you want to reap all the benefits aluminum siding provides, make sure that you let the professionals install it for you, just to have more peace of mind.

Usually it takes only one day to install aluminum siding

Thanks to the fact that this siding material is so flexible and lightweight, it doesn’t require a lot of time in order to be installed. In fact, the professionals can install your aluminum siding in just one day, especially if your property is not that big.

Aluminum siding gives your house a modern and elegant look

This material is increasingly popular these days because it looks clean, modern and very elegant. That is why you see mobile phones and tablets that feature certain elements made from aluminum as well as many vehicle wheels made from aluminum alloys. If you install aluminum siding, your property will become more eye-catching and it will feature a modern and stylish look which will increase its value, so that when you sell or rent your house, you can confidently ask for more money.

If you want to install aluminum siding in the upcoming days, make sure that you give us a call and take advantage of our professional services. We install top quality aluminum siding that comes in various colors and we charge a fair price for our services.

7 Probably Problems That Can Be Caused By Damaged And Unclogged Gutters

The gutters are some of the most important elements of a house, but in most cases homeowners forget about them and they don’t clean them properly or repair them when they are damaged. This can be detrimental in the long run as clogged gutters can pose a plethora of problems. It is important to inspect the gutters of your house several times a year and clean/repair them regularly, otherwise you might stumble upon one of the following problems.

Foundation damage

This can be one of the most serious and expensive to fix type of problem clogged gutters can cause. Basically, if the gutters are blocked, water cannot pass through and it is not channeled correctly into a safe direction, away from the property. The water will simply fall all over the place, keeping the foundation moist and causing huge deterioration in the long run.

In most cases, foundation damage caused by clogged gutters cannot be seen until it is too late and fixing the foundation can cost a fortune, not to mention that the value of the property will also decrease. To prevent this, make sure that you take a look at your gutters at least several times a year and you will have more peace of mind.

Landscape damage

In a similar fashion, when rainwater falls all over the place, chances are that it will be spilled on flower beds, small trees, shrubs and other plants you might have around your house. In the most unfortunate cases, it can even be spilled on you when you expect the least and that is why it is paramount to clean the gutters regularly.

Gutters can fall on the ground if they become too heavy

When gutters are much clogged, they tend to be filled with debris, leaves, small tree branches and so on. When this debris combines with water, the gutters can become quite heavy and especially if they are slightly damaged, they will eventually collapse and fall on the ground. This is quite dangerous if someone in your family or maybe you might be under the gutters when this happens.

Wasps and rats can create nests in your gutters


Homeowners who don’t clean their gutters on a regular basis give different types of pests like wasps and rodents a chance to create colonies and establish nests inside them. This is a very bad thing as rodents can spread a lot of diseases and illnesses, not to mention that they will damage the gutters further in the long run. Similarly, wasps can be a real danger as they can sting you or your family members and their poison might trigger an allergic reaction to someone who is sensitive to these insects. Therefore, if you want to protect your family members and live in a safe property, make sure that you unclog the gutters on a regular basis and keep them as clean as possible.

You cannot harvest rainwater

A lot of homeowners rely on the gutters in order to harvest the rainwater and this is a good thing as rainwater can be used with multiple purposes later on such as watering plants, washing the car, washing the walkways, the garage door, etc. However, if the gutters are damaged and they feature cracks and leaks, the rainwater harvesting process will not be as efficient as possible and this is a pity since using rainwater on a regular basis for daily tasks can significantly reduce your water bill in the long run.

Small plants and even grass can grow on your gutters

If the gutters are very dirty and seriously clogged, it won’t be long until you might see small plants and grass growing from them. This happened to a lot of homeowners who were negligent about their gutters throughout the entire year. Needless to say, plants and grass growing from gutters can considerably reduce the curb appeal of your property and decrease its value, not to mention that passersby who will see this will immediately believe that the homeowner is a careless person.

Clogged gutters can cause water infiltration in the spring

During winter months, ice might be formed in gutters which are not cleaned properly because the water cannot be drained correctly. As a result, when the spring comes and ice starts to melt, it will have no clear path to drain away from the house and it will eventually leak into the property, causing further damage and problems which are not that cheap to fix. If the gutters are cleaned, melting ice can easily be directed away from the house, protecting the roof as well as the entire property.

If you have gutters which are not in a good condition and you want to replace them for an affordable price, make sure that you explore our website and you give us a call. We offer top quality gutters which can last for a long period of time and come in a choice of colors as well.

Let The Professionals Handle The Eavestrough Maintenance and Repair Tasks!

Let me be clear on this: gutter installation, repair and maintenance work is not a do-it-yourself type of a job. Some people think that they can just go to their local Home Depot or Lowes store and buy all the needed materials, go home and hang their own eavestrough. The available do-it-yourself gutters are plastic made and come in standard 10 foot sections. With passage of time, plastic gets brittle, particularly in cold weather. As a result, it easily cracks, making it a poor material choice when it comes to eavestroughing.
It is almost impossible to have seamless gutters with the available do-it-yourself materials, as they result in multiple water leaks. According to the experts, plastic eavestroughs have unique challenges in the Canadian climate and thus are best left alone. For instance, they leak everywhere even when newly installed. Installing gutter protection in roofs with these sorts of gutters is also next to impossible.

Which is the best material when it comes to eavestroughs?

The industry standard material for gutters is seamless aluminum and for three good reasons. It is weather-resistant, durable and never rusts. However, so as to get the best installation results, let a professional handle the task. Gutter installation and maintenance professionals have the right expertise and tools to perform an excellent job. For example, they use roll forming machines to make seamless gutters of any length. They can customize a gutter system to fit the length of any roof. If leaks are to be prevented, gutters need to be installed this way.

Formation of ice dams


This is another important issue that requires the attention of gutter installation and maintenance professionals. Most homes in this country have one type of an eavestrough or another. But if any homeowner thinks that this important part of his home is safe from damages, blame games and wrongful attacks, he is wrong. All over the country, the poor unsuspecting gutters are wrongfully blamed for the bothersome winter malady that is commonly referred to as ice dams. These are huge mounds of ice that accumulate on top of the roof and eavestrough. This ice causes a lot of damages to the roof shingles, gutters and result in major water leaks.

Probable solutions for ice dams

1. One of the best ways to prevent ice dams from forming according to the gutter maintenance professionals is to increase insulation in the attic. The homeowner needs to make sure that heat migration into the attic from the living room is reduced.

2. Another way to reduce this heat loss is to increase attic ventilation. This allows heat that manages to escape to be vented from attic space through the soffit and roof.

3. The last solution is to prevent warm indoor air from travelling into the attic. It doesn’t take much of a gap or hole to let this heat to escape. Attic access door is a good spot for huge air leaks into the attic. The area above the bathrooms and kitchen are a favorite when it comes to ice dam formation. The kitchen in particular puts out massive heat due to the stove and other heat generating appliances.

Why you should not opt for a DIY approach with eavestrough installation and maintenance

Professional gutter installers ensure that the whole eavestrough system is correctly sloped. Failure to do so makes the water to pool and not properly draining. You don’t want this with your gutter system, do you? You want something that is both functional and durable. Installing it right the first time is what you need with your gutter system. So get a professional to install and maintain your eavestrough system. Here are pointers to help you hire the right professional gutter service provider and not a fly by night kind:

1. If a service provider specializes only in gutter or eavestrough installation and services, then that is truly what he does.

2. If the service provider has an own eavestrough machine, equipment and truck, then he is definitely the right choice.

3. He is experienced, meaning that he has been in eavestrough business for at least five years.

4. He has an HST number.

5. He doesn’t sub-contract the jobs to other companies.

6. He doesn’t hire another company to roll and drop the gutters so that he can install it.

7. He provides you with a detailed and professional estimate fully indicating all work to be done.

8. He carries a full and correct operations license and liability insurance.

9. He buys his aluminum only from reputable suppliers

10. He miters his corners and doesn’t use pre-made factory corners.

11. He offers a strong warranty on his workmanship.

12. He provides great references when asked for them and can provide verifiable addresses where you can pay a visit to look at some of the previous work he has done.

All in all, you have hired a gutter specialist, you will have a worry-free experience with your gutters and can enjoy the best of your house for many years to come!

Gutter Guards Can Save You From Spending Multiple Hours Up On The Roof!

Driving around your locality and surrounding areas, you could be forgiven to think that people love being up on their roofs. You will see a whole lot of cold folks up on the roofs instead seeing them in front of their houses doing one sort of repair work or another on their roofs, in particular on the gutters. Common sense dictates that they should be inside their homes, but they all know that it is property owner’s duty to take care of gutter maintenance tasks. With the winter fast approaching, it is time to straight out the eavestroughs, fasten any lose joints or hatches, and get a whole lot of maintenance undertakings done.

Can rainwater destroy your home?

As a matter of fact, if not channeled in the right direction, rainwater can cause a lot of devastating issues on any building, your home included. Knowledgeable homeowners have known this all along. So you will find them up in their eavestroughs cleaning leaves, dirt and debris. Cleaning out the gutter is also a good way to fight the nature’s autumn weapon- the leaves. We all know that it can be a difficult task to beat the leaves in autumn. But it still can be done. How, you might ask. Well, read on to find out.

What is the importance of having a protected gutter system?

To start with, a properly functioning gutter system pulls rainwater away from this home. This saves the home’s foundation as it is well protected from the speedy falling water from the gutters. This is particularly important when it comes to concrete foundations, which are prone to water absorption.

Knowledgeable homeowners have also realized the importance of preventing rainwater from splashing on the sidings and thereby tearing it down little by little over time. This same water can cause a lot of damages on the rubber seals in the windows or even, the doors. So having a proper gutter system is a good start. Nevertheless, gutter maintenance can be quite overwhelming in some parts of the country, particularly in the fall season.


What is cost of foregoing gutter repair and maintenance?

Do you know that not maintaining your eavestroughs can potentially cost more than not having them at all? Yes, clogged eavestroughs get heavy, something that end up damaging the sidings, sometimes even pulling them away from where they are attached. And because the water is going nowhere but straight into your landscaped and beautiful yard, it is turned into a mud bog. This also turns your seemingly sturdy foundation into a joke. But because we are all human, we like putting things off until it is too late, don’t we?

So what can you use so as to avoid having to climb up to the roof to clean the gutters?

Imagine how amazing it can be to simply not having the periodic gutter cleaning exercise on your list. This can be a possibility by having the right gutter guards installed. These seemingly unimportant items can take that fall maintenance undertaking right of your list. With gutter guards, you won’t need to regularly climb up to the roof to clear debris from the gutters. Best of all, you won’t be accused of negligence. Isn’t this what all of us homeowners have been wishing for?

Aren’t gutter guards helpful when it come to time saving on maintenance tasks?

First of all, gutters are also commonly referred to as eavestroughs and are made from a variety of different materials. They come in a wide array of different designs though installations methods are all the same. Properly installed gutter guards certainly do help in time saving. This is because they are helpful when it comes to beating fall leaves storm. You will find accumulation of dirt and debris such leaves and that are typical of open gutters all can be avoided.

What does this mean for a homeowner?

It means he is able to avoid the periodic and often dangerous task of climbing up the roof to clean or clear debris from the gutters. Yes, no necessity to be on the roof top, up to the elbows in wads and wads of rotten leaves and debris of the same sort. And no more danger of the sagging gutters falling down the building, causing untold damages to everything on its paths, windows, doors and floor included. It also means not having to worry about the spring thaw. Doesn’t all this sound good?

When all’s said and done all buildings whether new and old, need all to have properly installed eavestroughs and that have been fitted with gutter guards so as to help prevent debris from finding its way inside. Simply put, a properly functioning gutter is quite helpful when it come to diverting water away from the buildings foundation in addition to preventing flooding and leaks.

What Are The Common Problems With Eavestroughs?

Before we get started, why do you need an eavestrough system at your home? An eavestrough system is used to guide rain water safely off the roofs though things such as downspouts. The system basically channels this water away from the building to safe place. Depending on where you live, this water can be channeled into a storm drain, main drain or even right onto the lawn. Unfortunately like all other systems installed in a building, the eavestrough systems also are prone to issues and if not swiftly handled, the resultant damages can be very expensive to reverse. Here are some of these problems in details.

Water blockage


This is one of the commonest issues for building owners that have eavestroughs on the roof of their properties. Water blockage is normally caused by uncontrolled dirt accumulation or debris such as shingle pieces and leaves finding their way into the eavestrough system. Sagging eaves or loose joints within the system also can hinder the free flow of water.

Eavestroughs that are slightly sagging fortunately can be repaired by realigning them. This is done by either repositioning the existing bracket or nailing in a loose spike. The repairer should however be careful not to move the eavestrough too much as there is a danger of the alignment at the joints being pushed off the course. Some strings or wires should be used around the eavestrough and then attached onto a nail on the roof to safely secure it. Remember that this is only a temporary solution because eventually the whole problematic section will have to be taken down and replaced if necessary.

If a sagging eavestrough is in a relatively good shape, simply have it straightened out and re-attached back into the roof. After re-attaching the problematic eavestrough, some tests need to be conducted so as to ensure that water is freely flowing and not forming puddles down the system. This test also determines whether water is leaking out in some spots on the eavestrough system.

Pinhole leaks

This is another common issue with eavestroughs that also need to be addressed as soon as it is noticed. Pin holes can easily be sealed with sealants such as silicone. There are kits available that can be bought for addressing these sorts of issues. However, patching a pinhole with silicon is only a temporary solution, meaning that in due course, the whole problematic section of the eavestrough will have to be replaced to effectively fix the issue.

Lose joints

Galvanized eavestroughs are the types that are mostly affected by this issue. If you notice loose joints, they must be soldered back to effectively remedy the issue. After having your eavestrough system repaired, it is now time to have it painted afresh or re-painted. This step applies to all types of eavestrough systems. Galvanized gutters and eavestroughs have to be painted on the inside and outside.

However, the eavestrough system has to be dry before any painting work could go commence. Though there are a number of specific paints that are recommended for eavestroughs, the normal house paint can also be applied. Note however that a primer must be applied first before application of the said standard house paint. New eavestroughs must be allowed to weather for at least six months before any paint work could be done on them. If you would rather not wait for six months for the eavestrough to weather, then add some vinegar and water solution to degrease the metal to allow for painting.

How do you test if a newly repaired eavestrough is correctly draining water?

It should be noted that a properly functioning eavestrough drains water down a line at 6mm per liter. To test this, have the repair person or anyone else for that matter, to pour some water at one end of the eavestrough using a bucket. Carefully watch the water as it flows down the line and you will soon see if there are any problems. If water is found pooling in certain sections of the eavestrough, then the whole system will need to be readjusted.

Avoiding water around the immediate perimeter of your house

To prevent water from flowing into the immediate perimeter of your house, things such as dry wells and splash block need to be employed. They all are used to draw water away from the building after shooting out down the downspout.

All in all, proper eavestrough maintenance consists of regular visual inspection and cleaning at least once every six months. Visual inspections are used for checking for things such as lose joints, misplaced spikes and leaks. This in simple terms is the inspection of the integrity of the whole system. With the right maintenance and care, your eaves should last for many years to come while safely keeping excess rain water flowing away from your house or property for that matter.

How to effectively paint Aluminum Siding

Aluminum siding has long been proven as the preferred choice for siding in Toronto. This is because when moist or salty air comes into contact with the aluminum siding it forms hard oxides of the metal which cover up and protect the metal from further damage.

A great way of protecting your Aluminum Siding Toronto is painting it with your favorite color. Painting is also recommended instead of replacing rusty sidings to save money. Follow these steps on how to carefully paint aluminum siding Mississauga:

  • Step 1: Check whether the siding is made of aluminum or steel. Use a magnet, if the magnet stick to the siding then it is steel. If it is steel consult a professional on how and what to paint it with.
  • Step 2: Using a pole slander remove any dirt or plants off the siding and thoroughly rinse any detergent that is on the siding.
  • Step 3: Lightly sand the siding wherever necessary. This will allow the paint to adhere to the siding and prevent chipping of the freshly dried paint.
  • Step 4: Assess the siding and decide whether it needs primer coating. If unsure of where to apply it just apply it to the whole siding and leave it to dry.
  • Step 5: Finally finish the process by applying a coat of Acrylic Latex. Use one with a low luster or satin finish as it gives the original look. If possible, use an airless sprayer; you can easily rent out a machine in the Mississauga area.